At the beginning of the week I sent over an email which helped you identify key improvements you can make with quad training. All of these details add up to making for a far more productive leg workout, which over time leads to better progression. Below I’ve written a week 2 Y3T thigh workout for you whilst utilizing some of the points I mentioned within that email.

Y3T Week 2 Thigh Workout 

Leg Press 3 X 14-18 reps

Use 3 second negatives with a 1 second pause at the bottom of each rep to increase muscle activation. Don’t allow your knees to lockout at the top to ensure your knees are protected and you achieve more tension! The only time you’ll do this is to rest-pause, but don’t fully lock them out!

Squats 3 X 14-18 reps

Use 3 second negatives and avoid stopping at the top until you need to rest pause. Stop just short of full lockout at the top to ensure you’re generating more tension within the thighs. Again, you’ll only stop at the top when you’re rest-pausing.

Hack Squats 3 X 14-18 reps

Use 3 second negatives with a 1 second pause at the bottom for this exercise. Again, don’t lockout at the top until you’re rest-pausing.

Leg Extensions 3 X 14-18 reps

Use 3 second negatives with a 1 second pause at the top of the rep, almost at the point of lockout. This will help increase activation throughout the thighs with a lot of isolation taking place.

In terms of rest periods take around 90 seconds between each working set!

Neil Hill