When should one do cardio? Now you can control body fat loss solely by diet alone. That is an option.
However those who wish to do cardio for its benefits (cardiovascular health, increased insulin sensitivity etc) they may wish to consider the following – Doing cardio post weights isn’t a good idea. But why?
Weights increases muscle cell size by activating the enzyme mTOR, which stimulates muscle protein synthesis and therefore muscle growth.
On the other hand, endurance exercise (cardio) reduces fat cell mass by triggering the enzyme AMPK, which boosts fatty acid oxidation (eg use), ultimately leading to less body fat.
It has also been shown that AMPK activation directly shuts down mTOR-driven muscle protein synthesis and muscle growth.
So doing cardio right after weightlifting may not be the best training sequence for optimal muscle growth as the activation of AMPK from endurance training counteracts mTOR function in response to resistance work
Direct result is a negatively influence on muscle growth.
Best bet is doing cardio away from weights, when you can fit it in. I do first thing on AM so not to remotely effect my muscle protein synthesis.