Big Problems In Digestive Town?
Digestive trouble very often comes from not having enough digestive enzymes/pro-biotics in your system to handle the food you’re eating.

Eating is obviously a necessary requirement for all of us. But for the athlete, or the healthy lifestyle person eating the right macros, and diet is not only necessary, but staying_hydratedvital to all aspects of their lives,training, and goals.

Drinking lots of water effects your saliva’s ability to start the initial process of aiding in the break down of the food you eat, and inhibits the digestive process in your mouth.

Digestion continues on into your stomach through and with the help of gastric juices,which contain hydrochloric acid and other enzymes.

Some gastric amylase in your stomach continues to break down carbohydrates (which are broken down faster than any of your other macros, and used for energy, but mainly done later on in the small intestines) into simpler sugars, whereas protein is reduced by pepsin and converted into smaller units called peptide chains.

Fats are not chemically changed very much while in the stomach. A dilution in the form of ingested liquids causes a lessening of acidity in your stomach which significantly reduces digestion, especially for protein, which is extremely important to building, and maintaining your muscle.
Too much water can therefore water down the mix of acid, enzymes and pre/pro biotics.

OK, what do I do?diet-tips-for-vegetarian-bodybuilders
Sip a little whilst you eat, but leave drinking larger amount to a reasonable time, before and after eating, perhaps 30 minutes or so.


Any proof behind this?
Macrobiotic counsellor Shonali Sabherwal explains why you should not drink water during your meal. “Most people have water along with their meals. The usual theory is washing down the food while eating. People have no idea how wrong this practice is and how difficult this can be for their digestion. For those suffering with digestion problems, the ramifications are manifold. Our stomachs have a knack of knowing when you will eat and starts releasing digestive juices immediately. If you start drinking water at the same time, what you are actually doing is diluting the digestive juices being released to digest your food, thereby hindering them from breaking down food.”



How Can I Further Help My Digestion?
You can do one of three things that are best for this and that is taking a digestive aid like PANCREATIN with your meals or you can begin eating home made SAUERKRAUT.

The best of the two is the sauerkraut. The pro-biotic levels in Sauerkraut are measure in the TRILLIONS per serving, while at best it is in the billions per serving with over the counter pills/tabs etc. Eating the Sauerkraut in the morning before your daily meals is one way of not only building up what is called GUT FLORA, it is also the way to re-balance the gut flora.

When you have (in layman terms) more NEGATIVE gut flora than positive, that is when you start having the digestive issues. The SAUERKRAUT re-balances this flora and the digestive issues go away.

We do have a third item that will help you out. Right after every meal take a swig (about a shot glass full) of APPLE CIDER VINEGAR.

The acidity of the Apple Cider vinegar causes the body to produce more digestive enzymes from the Pancreas to help break down the food. The acidity also help in the breakdown of proteins to Amino Acids.