If you are into the bodybuilding scene, or just generally a fitness fanatic, you will know that it is quite a competitive world. Everyone’s workouts seem to be getting harder and faster, and if you can’t keep up, you’re clearly not in the game. Of course, much of this is a facade created by social media. But what a lot of fitness buffs seem to forget is that it isn’t just about pushing yourself hard all day every day. It is vital to take part in different forms of exercise in order to work different parts of the body, and it also takes the strain off certain muscles too. A great example of this kind of exercise is swimming. Olympic coverage and the rise of swimming stars such as Michael Phelps has brought swimming back into the limelight as an esteemed form of exercise. If you’re not already donning your bathing suit and heading down your local pool, here’s five reasons why you should be.

It is a low-intensity exercise

If you spend all your time running or lifting heavy weights, you are going to need a day off at some point. Rest days in themselves can be beneficial, but sometimes being totally sedentary can actually worsen your problems as your muscles tighten up. Consider swimming as a low-intensity exercise for you to take up on some of your rest days. In water, you are essentially weightless, so it is much easier on your muscles and bones.

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It’s great for your lungs

As swimming requires you to hold your breath for long periods of time, it can really help you improve your lung function. The more swimming you do the more you body learns to take in more oxygen with every breath and to expel more carbon dioxide. You may even find that swimming makes you become better at long distance running because of this new ability to regulate your breathing.

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You can still compete

Just because swimming isn’t all about brawn doesn’t mean it still isn’t a competitive sport. If you thrive off being pitted against other people, find a local swimming competition within your area or train with a team. If none exist, try setting one up yourself, or in fact any kind of sporting contest. Consider using Trophies Plus Medals or a similar company to source winner’s prizes.

It is a stress-buster

As we all know, our mental health is just as important as our physical health these days. Doing a high-intensity activity such as spinning or martial arts can get those endorphins flowing quickly. But, what about when you want to feel calm? Swimming still gets the endorphins flowing but holds on the adrenaline as you are making much softer, fluid movements in the water. This is why a lot of people feel relaxed and serene after a session in the pool.

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It is a life skill

This may sound a tad dramatic, but swimming really is a life skill. If you can’t already swim, or if you can but are not a confident swimmer, now is the time to change that. Natural flowing water such as rivers and the ocean can be dangerous, and it is good to be a strong swimmer in case you ever find yourself in a potentially life-threatening situation.