Across the world, across forums, Facebook pages and the like often a battle rages on.  What is better, Keto or Low fat Diets?


Well Brad Schoenfeld has studied the current data available and they have concluded the following:

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“I have no issues with using a ketogenic diet for fat loss; it’s a viable option provided it fits your individual lifestyle. However, I do have issues those who continue to promote the diet as the superior choice for losing body fat, particularly when they’re making money from such claims.

Here’s a slide from my presentation on fat loss diets, showing the recent meta-analysis on all controlled studies when both calories and protein are tightly controlled between keto and low-fat diets.

As shown, there is no metabolic advantage to keto (and in fact, a slight advantage was shown for LF although IMO it’s of little consequence). Don’t get sucked in by the hype.

If fat loss is the goal, create a caloric deficit, consume higher levels of protein (~2 g/kg) and then the amount of carbs vs fats should be based on personal preference. Adherence rules nutritional prescription.”