We’ve all got a routine when we train, but it can get a bit boring doing the same thing everyday. If you’re looking to change things up a bit there are plenty of new exercise trends this year that you can use to add a bit more variety to your training sessions.

Wearable Tech

Wearable tech for exercise is a huge market at the moment. There are so many different options that can help with the various aspects of your training routine so if you haven’t got any yet, it might be worth investing. Fitness trackers these days aren’t just pedometers that count your steps. They can monitor heart rate, distance, calories burned and much more. They can also be synced with your computer to give you daily updates on your progress. This can then be combined with diet plans to give you an all round picture of your training routine.

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There are even training shoes that can be synced with other wearable tech to give you information on form when running.

High Intensity Interval Training

High Intensity Interval Training combines short bursts of very heavy exercise with periods of rest. It can really help you to push yourself to your limits as you get small amounts of rest in between without your heart rate dropping too much. There are a lot of health benefits to interval training. It will improve your general fitness levels very quickly and increase metabolism, making it easier to train and lose weight. If it isn’t already part of your routine, it should be. Here are a few exercises you could try.

Bodyweight Training

Training using your own bodyweight instead of weights is very good if you cannot afford an expensive gym membership or you don’t have a fitness center around you. It is also good for people that want to ease themselves into weight training. It will ensure that you don’t overstretch

Group Training

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Many people find that the biggest hurdle they face when training is motivation. It can be difficult to force yourself to get to the gym. Lots of people have started to get around this by training in groups. If you have people relying on you, it is more likely that you will get up and train. It can be encouraging to have other people supporting you while you exercise and it is also good for beginners who might need a bit of advice from somebody with more experience. As well as support, you can also improve your performance with a bit of healthy competition so training in a group can benefit everybody involved and it has in fact been scientifically proven that people work out for longer periods when they are in a group.

Hopefully these suggestions will help you to keep your training regime interesting and make sure you don’t fall behind.