The New Year is here and one of the most popular New Year resolutions will be getting fit and signing up to the gym. There are many resolutions to choose from including trying to win millions in betting at places like Sun Bets, to visiting far flung places around the world. However it is getting fit and losing weight that is the number one New Year resolution. Here we list five good ways to get you motivated to work out.


Seeing yourself in a shop window


There is nothing worse than seeing your reflection in a shop window to remind you that you need to lose weight and get into shape. Many of us don’t have full length mirrors at home and so never see ourselves as we really are. The old trusted yardstick of using our clothes as measurements isn’t really accurate. Our clothes usually get bigger over time but the good old “seeing yourself in a shop window” reason is like a bolt from the blue. We look podgy and unfit and the reflection never lies.


Seeing a friend losing weight


We are all secretly competitive. Even if we don’ admit it to ourselves. Human beings by sheer definition are competitive. It is just that we are competitive in different areas. If you have a friend or work colleague who has been overweight the same as you but now they have suddenly lost weight then this can be a fantastic motivator.


Playing music


Many people find working out to be boring and repetitive. This is why playing music and listening to music is a great motivator to work out. It really doesn’t feel like you are working out at all when you are listening to your favourite tunes. If you can download your own personal classic tracks and listen through your headset then you can burn off those calories and have fun at the same time.


Stick to activities you like


Even playing music doesn’t work for many people simply because of the amount of repetitive work involved. Remember that a “work out” doesn’t necessarily mean having to go to the gym or even to join one. If you are going to stick to an exercise regimen then you need for it to be fun as well. If you like playing golf then play more golf. If you like walking then do more walking. If you like to swim then do more swimming.

The key to getting fit and losing weight isn’t to go at it like the proverbial “Bull in china shop” for a month and then stop. It is about a commitment to a lifestyle change. To do that then we must act in accordance with our own personality. This means to stick to the exercises that we like and love doing.


Purchase a Nintendo Wii


Nintendo keep fit Wii’s are one of the most popular home keep fit devices in the world. Now for the first time you can stay at home and get more active without leaving your own home. They are perfect for people with busy lifestyles who perhaps have a family to look after and a job to go to. The amount of free time that people have these days has never been as short as it currently stands.


People have faster and busier lifestyles. This brings with less time to work out. Many gyms are closed when some people finish work and walking at night in the dark can be intimidating. So, working out at home when the kids are in bed or even getting the kiddies involved is a great way to shed those pounds.


Whatever activity you decide to do in the New Year and wherever you decide to do it, the bottom line is that you will need to motivate yourself to do it. Use our simple guide to help you and 2018 may just turn into a great one for you in terms of your overall health.


Peter is an avid sports writer and keen fan of football, cricket, tennis and rugby. He has contributed this post

on behalf of Sun Bets and when he’s not writing about the sports he loves he’s placing bets on them!