Are you slogging away for hours in the gym and not seeing the results you think you should? Something is definitely a miss. There are a number of reasons you might not be getting those results. This post is going to talk about some of them to give you some insight!


You’re Ruining Progress on the Weekends


It’s really easy to ruin your progress on the weekend without even realising it. If you allow yourself a creamy coffee drink every so often and an evening out, this could add so many more calories and a lot of fat/carbs to your diet. You should still aim to make progress on the weekends. It doesn’t just stop!


You’re Going Through the Motions


If you’re just going through the motions in the gym, you’re doing it wrong. You need to be challenging yourself. Pushing yourself. Going heavier, and faster if possible. Making sure your form is on point. You can’t expect to get great results from a subpar workout.


Your Rest Periods Are Too Long


Stick to shorter rest periods to see better results. 45 seconds to 1 minute should suffice. Keep your eye on the clock to make sure you’re not resting for too long. You want to keep that heart rate up!

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You’re Not Eating the Right Foods


If you get out of the gym and you eat something unhealthy, you’re undoing your work straight away. Make sure you’re supporting your body with the right foods. Include plenty of healthy and clean foods in your diet to make sure you not only look good, but feel good too. The odd treat is fine as long as it’s in moderation.


You’re Not Getting Enough Protein


Protein is very important. It helps to build muscle and keep us full. You need to make sure you’re having a portion of protein with each meal to see results. Some people worry about the whey protein side effects, but you shouldn’t. A good protein supplement is important for those who workout!


You Haven’t Changed it Up


If you’ve been doing the same workouts for a long time, you should switch things up. The body can get used to the foods you eat and the workouts we do, so try to keep it interesting. Some say there’s no such thing as ‘shocking’ the body, but doing new things can help us to break out of a plateau. It can help you start to enjoy your workouts again too!


If you’re still not getting results from your workouts after using these tips, you might need to see a doctor. There could be something else stopping you from getting results if you’re honestly putting your all into it. If you want the best results, you need to work for them. There’s no other way, and definitely no such thing as a quick fix. As long as you’re enjoying your foods and enjoying your workouts, you’ll enjoy the process. You won’t believe what the body can do when you put your mind to it!