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Maintaining a good and healthy lifestyle while at work can be a challenge. With most of your days filled with your job and not much free time, it’s easy to forget about health and move on to the more entertaining parts of life. Unfortunately, for a lot of people, this means that they never achieve their fitness goals. It’s a real shame to have your health put on the second rung, below work. But, most of the time, there’s things you can do to get yourself out of the stupor. This post will go through some of the areas of life that you should consider. As well as a few ways you can fit them into your working life.

  • Exercise

Of course, exercise is the second most important thing when it comes to your goals. If you want to lose or gain weight, you need to exercise. For different goals, the types of exercise will differ. Even if you don’t have any particular goals, it’s important that you exercise regularly. With some many jobs becoming largely chair-based, more and more people are getting less exercise. Without exercise, you’ll become more and more unfit, until life becomes a challenge. Recovering from a position like this is much harder than maintaining fitness throughout life. And, the fitter you are, the happier you’ll be. You’ll also find your work easier, even if it’s not physical, and find that you have more energy in general.

Most people will argue that they simply don’t have enough time to exercise, alongside their work. There are 168 hours in a week, and most people don’t work more than 48 hours over a week. You can expect to spend about 56 hours a week asleep if you sleep 8 hours a day. This leaves you with 64 hours each week that you have completely free. Most people will have more than that, as well. This leaves you with an average of 9 hours a day to do whatever you want. So, in reality, you do have the time; you’re just not using the time well. Sometimes, to have a healthy lifestyle, you have to stop doing things you enjoy to exercise.

  • Diet


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A fit and healthy human being has a lot of dietary requirements. Most governments recommend around 2000 calories a day, for most people. They will also have limits for sodium, fat, sugar, and near enough anything you find in your food. These numbers shouldn’t be followed religiously, but they should be taken seriously. These recommendations are usually based on an average sized woman, doing an average amount of exercise. But, you’ll probably be doing much more exercise than the average. And, if you’re exercising to gain muscle mass, you could also be bigger than average.


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To maintain a healthy diet when working, you need to put in some work. But, as seen earlier, time really isn’t an excuse. Preparing meals at the start of the week, to take to work with you will make it much easier to keep eating healthy. A lot of governments have schemes that can provide your employer with funds to give you and their other staff healthy food. Do some research for your area, and show your boss anything you find.

  • Overall Health

Your overall health will affect your ability to perform and your general fitness. Illnesses can make it nearly impossible to exercise, and some conditions will actively work against any of the progress you make. Even common diseases like a flu can make you feeling too tired and under the weather to get out and do something. Visiting a doctor isn’t a sign of weakness. If anything, it reflects your desire to live a healthy life. Doctors will be willing to help you with any aspect of your health, including your fitness goals. They can give you advice that a personal trainer simple can’t. This is because doctors spend years of their early career studying how the body works, and what it needs. A lot of fitness can be put down to understanding your bodies chemistry.

A lot of places make you pay for healthcare. These bills are usually excessive and impossible to pay. So, most people will avoid using the doctor in fear of being charged far too much. But, using a health assessments service, your employer can get all of their staff checked for a fraction of the cost. And, it’s in their interest to do so. Staff that are healthy and fit will always perform better than their less-well counterparts. And, when staff feel cared for, they’ll always put in more effort. You might have to request this service, though. So, do some research, and only go to your employer if you find something sound.

  • Your Work

A lot of jobs involve moving around or have the potential to. If you work in an office and spend most of the day sat down, find ways to include physical activity into your work. Helping delivery drivers unload or offering to help move furniture are little things that can make a big difference in your fitness. Use your work as a way to get free exercise, while you’re doing your job. Some places have schemes to incentivise healthy commutes to work, offering grants to help your employer take time to let you exercise. Much like other schemes, you’ll need to do some research, and then take that to your employer.

Ultimately, your fitness and health are all down to you. You have to put in the time and effort to exercise, control your diet, and make sure that you’re not ill. You can find loads of great mobile apps and websites to help you in this journey. You can also find government advice all over the Internet, which is free and honest. Embarking on a fitness journey is an exciting time, but soon it will get a little duller. Make sure that you keep on going to the gym and eating well, even when you really don’t want to. The end results will be well worth it.