While workouts can be exciting, they require a lot of hard physical work such that 15% of people say they would rather watch Netflix. It can get disappointing and discouraging when all your efforts do not yield your desired results. Does it mean you are missing something or doing something wrong? Here are some reasons why your workouts may not be working.

  1. Wrong dieting

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Without a proper diet plan to accompany your workouts, you will make little to no progress. Are you eating too little, or overeating, eating at the wrong time, or you have not changed your diet at all? Eating less will deprive you of enough energy to exercise. Overeating while going through your routine will also cause you to gain weight instead of losing weight. 

You may have created a situation where you use food as a reward to motivate yourself to work out consistently. Using such a strategy may be contributing to weight gain, and so you will have to find another source of motivation if your goal is to lose the extra pounds. One effective strategy is to create a diet plan that will help you acquire your desired weight goals and build the muscles you want. Change your diet if you have not already, or better still get personal training in your area or online, who will advise you on the best diet plan for your fitness objectives. 

  1. Overexercising

In a bid to see quick results in your physique, you may be working out more than you should. Overexercising will leave you tired and worn out, making it difficult to follow your workout routine consistently. You will also feel less motivated to continue. The better alternative will be to start small and advance with time to avoid crashing. Further, if you are overdoing your workouts, then you may have replaced your sleep time with working-out.  It will affect you and slow you down as well, as your body needs time to relax and recuperate from your vigorous workout sessions. Too much exercise causes hormonal dysfunction, fatigue, and even anorexia. If you have been overdoing your workouts and burned out your energy, take a few days to recover your strength before you continue. You can also adopt a functional training routine to avoid injury when you work out.

  1. Same routine

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Another reason why you may not be seeing any results from your consistent exercising is that your muscles have gotten used to it; therefore, there is stagnation. You have to challenge yourself with extra workout routines for the various body muscles, and you can rotate from time to time. When you realize you are performing your workout with ease and less or no physical exertion, then it is a sign you need to switch it up. Increase your workout routines from time to time to continue gaining results.

If you are making any of the mistakes mentioned above, then it means you can start making changes. It is essential that you monitor your workouts to see if you are making progress or not. Eat well and get rest when you need it. You can also find more creative ways to make your workout enjoyable. Make sure you are staying healthy and safe while you exercise.