High protein combined with resistance training whilst eating reduced calories may allow muscle gain in deficit.

The study showed that feeding aspiring female physique competitors a high protein diet (~3 times above RDA guidelines) substantially increased the amount of fat-free mass gained during an 8-week resistance training program.

Consistent with other research, this reinforces the importance of consuming higher amounts of protein when the goal is to add lean mass. Intriguingly, the subjects in the high protein group also lost a significant amount of body fat (over 2 lbs). Thus, contrary to what some claim, you can simultaneously gain muscle while reducing fat.

Now it’s important to note that while the subjects had previous training experience, they were not highly trained (inclusion required that they’d lifted for at least 3 months and be able to deadlift 1.5x bodyweight).
Nevertheless, they weren’t newbies and were relatively lean at the onset of the study.

Take home: The combo of a high protein diet and regimented lifting program can help to achieve body recomposition!