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What is it that people with big muscles have that the average person doesn’t?

Lots of chicken breast fillets in their fridge? A pantry full of protein shakes? 

No – the real answer is grit: the ability to do the hard things, even when you don’t want to. It’s the passion to get up every day and have a goal in your mind about where you want to be one, two, five, and ten years from now. 

Building a powerful physique is about more than just going to the gym regularly. It’s about being able to push yourself to the limit – and sometimes beyond. 

Believe it or not, that’s a rare skill, and few people ever master it. Having the fortitude and the passion to do something that feels painful to improve yourself goes against our nature. We want life to be tranquil and peaceful. We don’t want it full of blood, sweat, and tears. 

There’s a catch, though. There is no such thing as the easy road. You either push through adversity, or you wither away. An easy life is out of the question. Ultimately, grit is your only true ally.

As somebody with big muscles, you’re in a unique position to help people. The fact that you’ve dedicated yourself to this challenge means that you have rare insights on what it takes to improve yourself. You understand that it takes a combination of dedication to the cause and determination. And you have a bunch of skills you can use to motivate other people. 

Start A Personal Training Business

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You know from personal experience that a lot of people are out of shape. However, you also understand that many of them don’t want to be in that condition. 

Because you have the experience and knowledge to help them, you might want to get started as an online personal trainer. At first, it could be something that you do as a side hustle. But as you become better known, you can expand your business and perhaps take it on full-time. 

Opportunities for personal trainers have actually grown in recent months. Thanks to the disruption, personal trainer business models have had to change. And now, more people than ever are seeking exercise services online. That means you can coach groups of infinite size and still take the same payment from each participant. 

Get Into Motivational Speaking

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Don’t fancy a life as a personal trainer? Well, you have other options. For instance, getting into motivational speaking can be a great way to help people move forwards with their lives. Right now is actually one of the best times in history to be the person who gives others a helping hand. We’re living in unprecedented times. People need support to continue to strive for their goals. They need inspiring people who can show them that it is still possible for them to get the things they want from life. 

Muscularity isn’t just aesthetic. It’s an indication of the type of character that lurks within. Use it to your advantage by helping others.