Is there anything more frustrating than your progress slamming to a halt? This normally happens when you have a big event, competition or social activity coming up. Perhaps you are wondering why you aren’t losing weight or why your muscle mass doesn’t seem to be increasing. There are a number of reasons why you might be experiencing a plateau and there are always a handful of ways you can combat this side effect.

Leisure, Man, Muscles, Pool, Swimming


Be Smarter With Supplements

The supplements you take might be having an effect on how quickly you build muscle mass. Speak to a professional if you are unsure, but you might want to buy SARMs for muscle growth. Building muscle can be a lengthy process; you could eat all the lean protein in the world and still see minimal results. There are many healthy and natural supplements out there that can help you on your fitness journey without causing you to change too much of your regular routine.

Choose a Completely New Rep Range

For every workout you have ever done you have followed a set protocol for rep ranges. You might want to take this opportunity to have variations in rep ranges every four to eight weeks. Although everyone will react differently to these changes, it is important to take this seriously to prevent things from getting stale. Beginners will only see results from twelve weeks, but experienced athletes need to keep things fresh in order to notice small improvements.

Focus on Your Diet

Have you been eating well and fuelling your body correctly before and after your workouts? There are a number of reasons why your muscle mass isn’t increasing and one could lie in the kitchen. Make a diary of your meals and start counting your macros. There are number of apps that can help you to monitor your intake and then you will have evidence to show a nutritionist.

Plan a Recovery Week

All athletes need to recover from their exercise regime, whether they feel like they need it or not. Like many fitness fanatics, you probably don’t associate resting with muscle gain; you can only gain muscle mass when you are actively working out, right? This is actually incorrect. Your body doesn’t actually form new muscle whilst you work out, you actually break down the muscle tissue. It is only when you rest and recover, that your body will actually start to build new tissue in its place. If this isn’t a good enough reason to take a couple of days off, what is?

Hopefully now you will understand the importance of changing up your normal routine when you hit a plateau. Each potential method will work very differently to another, so you need to listen to your own body. Find your flow and stay in tune with what your muscles are telling you. Take a rest day if you need it and increase your supplements if you think it will help. Always consult your physician or trainer if you are planning on making any radical changes to your diet or workout routine. They will be able to advise you on the best steps to take.