Why this article?
We often hear people say L-Glutamine is not worth using.  This is not something we agree with.

What is it?
Wiki states that “Glutamine (abbreviated as Gln or Q) is one of the 20 amino acids encoded by the standard genetic code. It is not recognized as an essential amino acid, but may become conditionally essential in certain situations, including intensive athletic training or certain gastrointestinal disorders.[citation needed] Its side-chain is an amide formed by replacing the side-chain hydroxyl of glutamic acid with an amine functional group, making it the amide of glutamic acid. Its codons are CAA and CAG. In human blood, glutamine is the most abundant free amino acid, with a concentration of about 500–900 µmol/l”.

What does this mean to the bodybuilder or trainer?

Glutamine is a conditionally essential amino acid that the body is able to produce in small amounts; however the majority of it must come from the diet.

It is required for muscle growth and also plays a big part in repairing damaged muscle tissue. When we train hard, we damage muscle much more than the normal every day person and the body can only produce so much. This makes it a conditionally essential amino acid, and very useful to the avid trainer as recovery is aided much more quickly.

Glutamine plays key roles in protein metabolism, cell volumizing, and anti-catabolism.

L-Glutamine also claimed to increase your bodies natural Human Growth Hormone levels, which helps metabolize body fat and support new muscle growth.

This is especially useful for people looking to shed body fat. Your small intestines requires the most Glutamine in your body, and also the immune system also utilizes Glutamine.

Because Glutamine levels deplete during workouts, bodybuilders are more susceptible to illnesses.  Supplementing Glutamine therefore lowers this risk, which makes it useful to the trainer – less down time due to illness.

Sounds great, how much should I use?
The average gym goer can use 5-10g, 3 times or so a day.  This makes it an inexpensive supplement to use, and is often found in BCAA powders to help recovery.

Great, I want one of those – where do I get it from?
See our bargain website with the best brands at www.supplement-bargains.com or an even larger selection at our sponsors, the amazing www.prozis.com!