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If you’re going to get somewhere with your workouts, you need to know where you’re going. Otherwise, you simply won’t be able to track your progress, and you just won’t be able to tweak your workouts to better suit the shape you’re now in. 

A fitness goal will always be the best thing to decide on first, and research before you get started – you need a goal that suits you, and is something that could really kickstart your fitness journey. 

And that’s why you need a proper fitness goal – something to reach for, and define your workouts by. But remember, this fitness goal can change from time to time, so let’s go through how to come up with a fitness action plan and its ultimate objective below. 

Go Low and Work Up

Start your fitness goals low, and actually set them under what you think you can really achieve. Why? Because every time you pass that little milestone, you’ll feel proud of yourself, and have something to show for it, and that’s incredibly motivating! Following a fitness plan is all about getting into the groove of it and having something workable to follow, and the smaller your steps at the beginning, the bigger your steps in the future – and you’ll be perfectly ready to achieve them. 

Don’t Be Afraid to Seek Help

Looking for help is something we can feel really bad about doing. After all, we’re adults, and we feel like we should know what we’re doing, and we can guilt trip ourselves into staying quiet and struggling to stick to the fitness routine in front of us. However, this isn’t good for your mental or physical help, and you’re never going to get in shape this way. You need to share your workout troubles, to ensure you stay on the straight and narrow. 

When you talk to someone also trying to get into shape, you can share workout tips, or test out each other’s fitness goal, and even give some key recommendations for finding the right supplements online. Most of all, don’t be afraid to talk to a doctor about what your body is going through. They’ll have some valuable advice you won’t get anywhere else. 

Make Sure it Suits You

A small point to finish with – your fitness goal needs to suit you. If you’re not a bodybuilder, finally reaching that 200 pound plus point probably won’t be achievable, nor a good goal for your purposes, and it’s something you’ll want to let go of for now. Focus on you, and what you can do, rather than the person you wish you were. Exercising regularly, and working towards a goal, will slowly get you there. 

Making a fitness goal for yourself, in terms of creating something achievable and flexible, make sure you’re thinking about your and your life. Don’t get sidetracked by other people, and don’t let yourself feel intimidated when you’re down the gym. Fitness is what you need it to be!