
You will probably feel great just after doing your workout, but after a short while, your body will ache, and your muscles will feel a little sore. This is normal – assuming you aren’t in a lot of pain because you have over-exerted yourself – and it’s your bodies way of telling you that it needs time to rest and to heal. By engaging in post-workout recovery, your muscles will start to rebuild and re-energize, and you will be back on the weights in no time. However, if your body is taking longer than you would like to recover, you need to take care. What you shouldn’t do is rush back to your normal workout routine, as you may do yourself some damage. But what you can do is speed up the muscle recovery process, and we have some examples on how to do this here.

Proven ways to speed up muscle recovery

Eat and drink something. Certain foods and drinks can help you during the recovery process. So, you might want to focus on high-protein meals, sticking to foods such as eggs, seafood, and lean meats. Water is a must, especially during and just after your workout, as it will hydrate your body and muscles, and alleviate the risk of cramp. Cherry juice is also useful for reducing swelling. And there are all kinds of protein shakes and supplements that are useful for reducing muscle soreness and speeding up your recovery, many of which can be found at Monster Supplements. So, focus on these things, and then avoid anything that could prove detrimental, such as sugary drinks and alcohol, as research suggests they can interfere with your muscle recovery, and actually increase the soreness in your body.

Get the right amount of sleep. Your body naturally heals itself as you sleep, so you need to get the requisite amount of time in bed. Experts suggest between 7-8 hours a night is the optimal amount of time your body needs to recover. If you cut down on your sleeping time – perhaps because you are up all night will a Netflix binge – you will slow down the recovery process and leave yourself prone to future injuries.

Ice your muscle groups. Many athletes take an ice bath after working out as this is an efficient way to reduce soreness and inflammation. And while you could do this (if you can stand the cold), you might also use an icepack instead, be that something you make yourself or by grabbing something from the freezer. Experts suggest 20 minutes is the optimal time when applying ice to your muscles.

Opt for a massage. Who doesn’t like a good massage? Post-recovery or not, this is still an effective way to relax your body. And when it comes to speeding up your recovery, a massage is an effective way to break up your scar tissue and ease any pain in your muscles. The expense is worth it if you can pay a professional to do it, but if you have a friend or partner who is able, they might be willing to literally lend you a helping hand. There are some massage tips here that will prove useful if you can find the support.


Finding ways to ease your muscles is essential post-workout, so don’t neglect the advice we have given here. Let us know what you think, and if you have any further tips that might prove useful to our readers, be sure to let us know.