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Tips For Avoiding Sporting Injuries

Playing sports is something we should all do if we can; it’s fun, it can help with teamwork, you can make friends, it gives you a sense of self-discipline, it gives you a natural high, and of course, it keeps you fit and healthy, boosting weight loss as you play. 

Unfortunately, injuries can occur if you’re not careful, which not only stops you from participating in sports in the here and now, but, in the most severe cases, can cause you mobility problems in the future too, especially if it was your neck or spine that was damaged. This is why it’s so important to do everything you can to avoid sporting injuries, and ensure you are as safe as you can be. Read on for some helpful tips. 


If you’re running late or you’re just keen to get on with the sport at hand, whatever it might be from football to athletics to cycling or anything else, it can be tempting to skip the warm-up. Unfortunately, skipping the warm-up could be putting you at risk of injury, and at the very least it will hamper your ability to play well or move in the way you want to. 

Warming up stretches your muscles in the right way, preparing them for the sudden and much more vigorous movements that you are going to put them through when you get out onto the field or into the ring or out on the road. Stretching the muscles makes them looser and more flexible, so they are less likely to be damaged when you’re participating in your sport. As a bonus, you’ll also boost your heart rate, ensuring your body is ready to proceed. 

Have The Right Equipment 

No matter what sport or form of exercise you are involved in, there is sure to be some kind of specialist equipment associated with it. Of course, it’s easy to think of the padding and helmets worn in football, or the mouthguards worn in boxing, but even sports such as running, which you might initially think have no particular equipment, will have something you can use to help you stay safe. 

Using running again as an example, by wearing good quality shoes you can save yourself a lot of damage to your ankles and tendons. If you use Basso Bikes, you can be sure you’re using a bicycle that is made to suit your body type and the road conditions you are cycling along, keeping you protected. 

No matter what kind of equipment you need, always buy the best you can, and the highest quality. It might cost you more at the outset, but if it keeps you safe then it’s worth it (plus the higher quality you buy, the longer it will last). 

Know The Rules 

Whatever sport or activity you are doing, knowing the rules is imperative if you want to stay safe, and keep others safe too – don’t forget that if you’re playing a team game, your actions could result in someone else’s injury. 

Learning the rules and then ensuring you stick to them is vital; they are there for a reason, and although part of that reason is so everything is fair, the rest will be about safety.