Pretty much all of us are aware of the fact that staying fit is incredibly important. We all know the health benefits, and many of us would probably like to be in at least slightly better shape than we are now. And yet, many of us just end up falling into the same old routine of joining a gym, working out for a little why, getting bored or losing motivation, and then giving up. Sometimes it takes longer for this to happen than other times, but it’s an incredibly common cycle. The questions is, does it have to be that way? Well, the answer is actually pretty obvious: of course not! The mistake that far too many people make is that they assume that they can only try the same old techniques in order to be more active and to stay in shape. The reality is that there are plenty of options out there for being able to get fit without getting bored. The key is to get creative with it. With that in mind, here are a few simple and creative fitness ideas that might help to give you that workout motivation that you’re sorely lacking.


Martial arts

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If you want a seriously intense workout unlike just about any other, personal martial arts training could well be perfect for you. There are a lot of different martial arts out there and which one you choose is going to be a matter of personal choice, but you’re pretty much guaranteed to find an incredibly engaging and enjoyable way to stay fit as well as learning incredibly valuable skills of discipline, self-control, and respect for yourself and those around you. Don’t assume that it’s all just going to be learning to beat the stuffing out of people. The reality of martial arts is that they are more about teaching yourself to control both your body and mind than they are about learning to do a spinning jump kick.    




If ever there was a workout that didn’t feel like a workout, it’s dancing. Dancing is one of those things that many of us don’t necessarily feel good at, but that just about everyone on the planet can enjoy. So why not take this chance to learn to do it just a little bit better. Not only is dancing a fantastic way to engage and workout your entire body, but it can be a great way to build up your self-confidence as well as to express yourself in a fun and creative way. Sure, there are those who’ll turn up their noses at dancing, especially for men. But the kind of control that most dancers have over their bodies is truly amazing.


Join a team


Working out can often be a pretty lonely and isolated experience which is one of the most common reasons why a lot of people end up giving up on it before too long. If you want to avoid that then why not join some kind of amateur sports team? That way you not only have other people around you to keep you motivated but it also helps you find new friends and develop skills of communication and collaboration that very few workouts can actually achieve. You can keep each other motivated and give yourself that extra drive that you need to push yourself to your absolute limit.



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The wonderful thing about hiking is that the workout that you get from it can almost feel secondary to everything else after a certain point. After all, if you go hiking, then there’s a good chance that the real reason that you’re doing it is in order to see some beautiful sights and to experience the things that the world has to offer. Packing a back and going hiking with a few friends can be an amazing bonding trip, while simultaneously being one that keeps you active in a way that few other things can. Spending hours on the trail can often fly by much faster than even a few minutes on a treadmill.




Skating is one of those things that goes in and out of fashion every few years but don’t let that put you off. Not only is it a great way to stay active but it’s also just a fantastically fun way to get around. If you want to find an alternative to driving everywhere but you’re not much of a fan of cycling then you really should consider skating as an option. Not only is it a great way to get around but you’ve also got the option to learn some amazing new tricks and skills at the same time. Just make sure that you wear your pads and helmet of course!




We’ve all seen those videos where people are running around doing all kinds of incredibly flips and somersaults off building and leaping from wall to wall. Well, why not get out there and try it yourself? If you’ve ever fancied yourself something of an amateur Spider-Man, parkour might be the perfect thing for you. Sure, you’re probably going to have to start slow and simple but there’s no reason why you can’t train your body to be able to do some of those truly amazing things you see on Youtube. Of course, it’s a good idea to start that kind of training in a gym or other safe environment. You’re going to end up falling flat on your face a lot when you first start out and it’s a whole lot better to land on a crash mat than to hit the concrete at high speed without any protection.


Of course, these are just a few examples. There are so many ways to stay fit that many people might not even have heard of. The key is just to find something active and fun that you can stick to. Whether it’s LARPing (no really) or something like aerial silk, there are always options out there for people who want to stay fit and active but haven’t yet found the right option for them.